Wonderings on a new blog layout

I have spent most of this afternoon (admittedly with a little help from C) putting together a new layout for my blog and I have to admit I'm so pleased with it.

I've been wanting to update it for a while now but wasn't all that certain what I should do, however, when I found Evelyn's blog My Fanciful Muse I was inspired.  I remembered that buried away in a cupboard I had several fashion plates that I'd been meaning to scan in for ages now so I scanned them in and then used an image from one for my new header.  This is the image that I scanned......

Then the reading lady was cut out and the colour of the chair adjusted, she's so pretty and I'm in love with the dress.

For the background I painted some lace, scanned it in and then used one of the free textures that Kim Klassen provides when you sign up to her Texture Lovin List.  The one I used was called Love.

I hope that you like it almost as much as I do. :-)

Rachel x


Rhissanna said…
It's very sweet and fits the title of the blog.
Oh my gosh I love this! The design looks so classic and beautiful. Yes, it definitely suits your posts and your tastes.
LuLu Kellogg said…
Hi Rachel!

I have your name in the magic box for the drawing!

Thank you so much for popping by my Blog!

Lucy said…
It really is lovely! I particularly like the pink lace. You have a beautiful blog- I'm glad I stopped by:)
C said…
wow i love it you are so clever and well..... painted lace how brilliant .....
Charlotte said…
I love the new look. Beautiful design choices, that lady looks fabulous reversed to fit your header (and credit to your other half for technical assistance ;))
Heather said…
It looks lovely! And perfect for spring! I love fashion plates too. I have several sets that I display around the house. They're so timeless and sweet!~

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