Wonderings on a Few of my Favourite Things (well for this week at least)

Hello lovely people!  I hope you’ve all had wonderful weekends.

I started to write this blog yesterday morning when I was suffering from a major case of the Monday morning blues, it was yet another grey and raining day here in Derbyshire (as was today actually), quite honestly Summer has yet to start properly.  I decided though that I wasn't going to give into it, I would keep myself upbeat.  While it is no secret that work wise I am not where I want to be in my life I do feel that creatively I am getting more and more confident and making steps into becoming the person I want to be, it’s only taken me 31 years but there you go.

Soooooo with that in mind I’ve chosen a few things that are either motivating me or providing inspiration this week, to share with you.  I can’t promise that it will cure you of the blues but maybe it will encourage you to do something similar and help give you something to smile about.


I'm currently reading Diary of a Witchcraft Shop, a non-fiction account of a couple who run a Witchcraft shop in Glastonbury.  I've only just started it but already it's proving to be both witty and insightful.  Plus, if like me you have visited Glastonbury and fallen in love with it, or if your interested in finding out what the supposed land of Avalon is really like, well you should really give this book a go.


Yesterday when I first started this post I had the music of Hannah Fury going around my head.  I am a huge fan of hers, in fact I could probably say that she is one of my all time favourite musicians.  Her songs are like stories, beautiful and yet slightly creepy, just how I like them. :-)  This is one of my favourites.  I am waiting rather impatiently for a new album to come out.


I have only recently discovered the rather wonderful art work of Benjamin Lacombe and have already bought a copy of Blanche Neige, which is a stunning edition of Snow White and will be a blog post in it's own right.  Written in French, it is helping motivate me to carry on with my French lessons.

I can't wait to get more of his books and artworks.  His latest piece The Hapless Child is hauntingly beautiful, if you haven't seen it yet definitely check it out.


Ha, well it looks like I'm carrying on with the Snow White theme for this next part.  Here in the UK we are, I guess, about half way in to the series Once Upon a Time which I am loving!  I adore all of Mary Margarets outfits, but the latest she wore as Snow in the Red Riding Hood episode was gorgeous!  I have to find one of those lacy scarfs, it's beautiful.


Linda (Bohemian Pages) and her husband have created a gorgeous fairy Shrine in their woodland garden.  While I don't have enough space for anything as large as that myself, it does provide inspiration and the knowledge that with a little bit of imagination, recycling and know how you can create your own small piece of fairyland in your own back garden.


Last night I watched the second part of the BBC's Shakespeare's The Hollow Crown series.  This episode was Henry IV part one and while it seemed totally different to last weeks Richard II it was, in my opinion, no less brilliant.  This is turning out to be one of my favourite series of the year so far

So there you have it, a little glimpse into my brain and what is exciting it at the moment!

Ooo ooo ooo I forgot, I just today received my set of postcards from Heather at Audrey Eclectic, they are beautiful!  Thank you Heather!  I am taking one to work with me tomorrow to help brighten up my desk.


Anonymous said…
AWWW thank you so much for sweet words on my blog:)

I hope you come and visit me soon, I have more Swedish inspiration for you:)
Have a great day.

LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se
Queenie Believe said…
A wonderful variety of inspiration. So sorry you're having the blues. I'll try and send some bright, warm summer days your way from sunny Arizona.
Have a better day.
Always, Queenie
That book sounds so good! I might pop by amazon.com on my break and make a cheeky little purchase. I NEED to start watching Once Upon A Time. So many of my lovely blogging friends say it is amazing. I want a long, billowing, red velvet cape. It would double as a saucy Red Riding Hood costume on Halloween.
Oh and thank you for the lovely comments on my singing. I love your story about being in a folk band! That is so cool! Can't lie, it's a fantasy of mine to sing in a pub in Ireland. Hopefully I can make it come true in October!
Oh, we have SO much in common- several of the things you mention here are things I like som much too. I have listened to Hannah Fury a lot and I really like her aesthetics. And that book- I have to read it now. I have been a little bit obsessed with going to Glastonbury. (I think it all began with reading The Mists of Avalon when I was in high school.)
Unknown said…
I've never heard anything by Hannah Fury before. She sounds like a mix of Evanescense and maybe the Dresden Dolls.

I'm interested to see how you like the book. It's so hard to find good non-fiction that revolves around the Wiccan/Pagan/New Age community.

Benjamin Lacombe's stuff looks a lot like an artist I really enjoy. Her name is Juli Adams, and she also paints slightly twisted yet cute characters - with large eyes. :)
Hi Rachel! I´m so glad that you think my dolls house looked like a real home, what a great thing :)) I dolls house for a witch, that would be interesting. I can imagine a little cottage perhaps with lots of magical remedies. Maybe the witch even could have a little herbal garden
OOoo thank you for the info on Diary of a Witchcraft Shop and for popping over.Yes I luv Glastonbury too, not to sound dreary but we spread my aunts ashes up on the Tor....it was a very special day. It is very spiritual and warming. I loved mixing the waters from the two wells and then drinking them..Someone actually gave us a few bottles so that we could fill them up and take back with us. Have you read the mists of Avalon? Loved the film too visually.
Yep Audrey is fab. Loved reading your post...and hey I am 43 and still have a long way to go lol So no worries all will be as it should :0) love & light Trace x

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