Wonderings on The Festival of History

Yesterday, with the sky grey and no sign of the torrential rain letting up, I pulled myself out of my nice warm bed and ventured over to Kelmarsh Hall in Northamptonshire for the Festival of History held by English Heritage.

After attempting to walk around some of the tents and the rain getting heavier and heavier my friends and I retreated to the Festival Tent to sit, drink tea and listen to English Folk music and a brass band.

Luckily after lunch, the sky cleared and the sun made a very welcome appearance and we were able to enjoy the Festival properly.  Several different re-enactment companies get together to provide a weekend that's informative and fun, it's not every day you get to see a Roman Solider and a Cavalier walking round together, or a medieval lady queuing up for a burger.

The grounds are split into different encampments and periods of history.  One of my favourites were the Persians.

They definately had the best and most comfy looking tents.  I'd like one these set up in my back garden.

I think this was part of the same encampment, whichever one it was their lunch looked yummy, have to admit I'm a little curious about how well oranges and boiled eggs go together.

You get to see different cultures throughout history too, this guy was a Red Indian.

The camps went from the Romans up to World War 2.

I loved this image of the two girls sat chatting on top of the truck.

We attending a lecture/demonstration on self-defence in Edwardian times, when gentleman had to reaquaint themselves, and ladies had to learn how to defend themselves against Ruffians and Hooligans.

At the end of the afternoon there is a parade soldiers from all the different periods of history.  Unfortunately I didn't have the best spot for photo taking but I did manage to get a few.

It was an exhausting but wonderful day and I made some purchases.  I've got a chamomile plant, which will be the first addition to my herb garden, a Charles Darwin tea towel and a rat (which is a sausage type thing which is used in 1940's hairstyles).  Plus I got lots of inspiration and ideas for our wedding.


Jenny Woolf said…
Sounds interesting, I have never heard of this kind of gathering before, but would love to attend one.
Carousel Dreams said…
Thankyou so very much for your kind words on my blog...they truly are a comfort to me xxx
Jen said…
What a wonderful festival! The area I live in has festivals almost every weekend during the summer but we don't have anything like this. Wonderful pics. P.S. Thank you for your comment on my blog :)

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